Logic EXS24

Handy Hints & Tips on using Logic’s EXS24 Sampler

These hints and tips assume you have read the manual and have a basic knowledge of how to use EXS24, eg. importing, mapping and assigning samples to zones and groups. If any parameters are not visible they probably need to be checked in the EXS “View” menu

Creating your own EXS Instruments

There is now a very quick but also flexible and powerful way to create your own EXS instruments. This is a 3rd party application by Redmatica called KEYMAP

This will automatically spilt an audiofile consisting of lots of different samples, then automatically map them out across the keybooard. It also creates loops automatically, easily tunes samples, harmonic resynthesis and much more.

Fun With Groups

Select by Group

This is useful if you want to alternate two sets of samples. This would be good for alternating guitar plectrum downstroke and upstrokes, string upbow and downbow, accordion in and out etc. or just two or more sets of samples to avoid the “machine gun”effect.

  1. Open the EXS editor.
  2. Create two groups, one for each set of samples and allocate zones accordingly
  3. In the first group “Select By” dropdown menu, choose “Group”
  4. Choose “start” in the box just to the right of this
  5. Repeat for the other group but in the “next” box.choose the name of the first group from the drop down menu
  6. The groups will now play alternately.

Keyswitch Instruments

This is useful if you want to use a MIDI note to switch from one set of samples to another, eg pizzicato to arco or even from one instrument to another

  1. Open the EXS editor.
  2. Create two (or more) groups, one for each set of samples and allocate zones accordingly
  3. In the first group “Select By” dropdown menu, choose “Note”
  4. Choose a note in the box just to the right of this. Obviously this must be below or above the range of the samples
  5. Repeat for the other group but choose another note.
  6. Play the keyswitch notes to switch between the sample sets.
  7. You can have several groups, just set the note for each group

Modwheel switching

This is useful if you want to use a the modwheel to switch or crossfade from one set of samples to another. First you need to make some changes in the Plugin window (GUI).

Change the first modulation path (S.Select) source from Velocity to Ctrl1 (Click where it says “Velocity” – you get a drop down menu)

(a)  EXS 24 (b)  EXS 24

Now remove the destination (dest) from the second path:

(c)  EXS 24 (d)  EXS 24

In options choose “Save Settings to Instrument”

  1. Open the EXS editor.
  2. Create two groups, one for each set of samples and allocate zones accordingly
  3. In the first group set the ” Select Range” e.g. to 0-63
  4. In the second group set the “Select Range” e.g. to 64 – 127
  5. The modwheel now switches between the two groups.
  6. You can have several groups, just set the ranges for each group

Modwheel crossfading

This is the same process as above, but you set a crossfade amount in the Plugin Window, e.g. 64

EXS 24

Creating Resonance Sweeps

This will dramatically change any sustained sound on EXS by sweeping the resonance of the filter over time using Envelope 1. As you may know, envelope 2 by default controls the amplitude (Attack, decay, sustain and release of volume – how quickly the sound fades in etc). The example below shows you some settings that work for a nice gentle sweep, for something more aggressive set the resonanace higher.

Choose a sustained pad sound and alter the EXS default settings as follows:

  1. Modulation Path:
    • Destination: Filter Cutoff
    • Source: Env 1
    • Amount: -100% (small green triangle)
  2. Env 2 (Amplitude)
    • Attack: very short (e.g.0ms)
    • Decay: very short
    • Sustain: very long
    • Release: to taste (e.g. average to long)
  3. Env 1
    • Attack: very short (e.g.0ms)
    • Decay: very long (adjust to taste)
    • Sustain: very short
    • Release: match Envelope 2 release (average to long)
  4. Filter
    • Drive: 0
    • Resonance: 30% (adjust to taste)
    • Cutoff: open
    • Switch: On

EXS 24 sweep resonance
You can download some EXS instruments with these features from the  PT LOGIC Samples page.

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